Navigating the Holidays Through Nutrition

Author: Lauren Clanet, RD, CSO, LDN
Last Reviewed: November 27, 2023

The holidays are just around the corner and you may find yourself out of your normal routine. You may be away from work, traveling, or spending time with family, friends, and lots of food. For many people getting cancer treatment, your appetite and how you feel may not be the same compared to previous holidays. This can be challenging! Here are some tips to help navigate the holiday festivities while staying well-nourished, hydrated, and energized.

If You are Traveling

  • Plan in advance! Call ahead to friends or family members to find out what types of foods or meals they plan on preparing. If these foods do not sound appealing or appropriate for you, ask if you can bring your own food/meals.
  • Pack snacks and supplies before leaving home. There is nothing worse than getting stuck in a car or at the airport with no food or drink options. Bring shelf-stable snacks to avoid long periods of time without eating. Some examples include peanut butter and crackers, a banana or apple with peanut butter/ almond butter, trail mix, mixed nuts, and granola bars. Be sure to also pack plenty of hydrating fluids as well.
  • If you have a feeding tube, bring all necessary tube feeding formula and supplies when traveling. Pack these things in an easy-to-get-to-spot (in your carry-on bag if flying). As we all know, plans can change unexpectedly, its best to be prepared with an extra day or two worth of formula and supplies just in case the return trip home is delayed.

If Your Appetite has Decreased

  • Use a smaller, dessert-sized plate when choosing your foods at a holiday meal. Seeing a large volume of food when your appetite is poor can be overwhelming. Likewise, seeing tiny portions of food on a large plate can also feel defeating. A smaller plate helps to avoid a lot of empty spaces.
  • Include a source of protein with your meals. Sources of protein frequently seen at holiday gatherings include turkey, fish/seafood, pork, deviled eggs, and mixed nuts. A glass of milk, a serving of yogurt, or a side of beans/lentils can also make for great protein-rich options.
  • Consume smaller, snack-sized meals throughout the day to provide additional chances to take in calories, and protein and better maintain energy levels.

If You Feel Nauseous

  • Avoid greasy, fried, or spicy foods. Choose small portions of food items that are plainly seasoned and lean (not fatty). If the smell of food is also nauseating, opt for cooler or room-temperature foods as they tend to have fewer odors. You may also want to remove yourself from the kitchen while food is being prepared if this upsets your stomach.
  • Stay hydrated. Consume small sips of hydrating fluids frequently throughout the day and during gatherings. Herbal teas, seltzer/sparkling waters, and broth-based soups are also great as a hydrating alternative to plain water.
  • Peppermint, both delicious and perfect for the holiday season, is helpful in relieving nausea. Take a few peppermints to a holiday party, grab a candy cane, or sip a cup of peppermint tea to help settle your stomach.
  • Try some ginger! Ginger can help to decrease nausea and vomiting. Consider sipping on some ginger tea, ginger ale, or use ginger (fresh or powdered) to season foods.

If You’re Fatigued

  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Include physical activity in your holiday as safely as possible. Physical activity can be helpful to increase energy levels, promote an appetite, aid in tension relief, and improve sleep. This does not necessarily mean going to the gym. This could include activities around the house, walking through a shopping mall or grocery store, taking laps through the airport terminal, or parking a little further away. There are many possibilities, get creative!
  • Allow yourself the time to rest.

For additional nutrition tips, visit OncoLink’s nutrition during and after cancer treatment section. Best wishes for a happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!


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